General overview

Extended until 28.02.2022

The Chair Globalizing Europe, Europeanizing the World (GEEW), investigates the historical evolution of European integration from a global perspective. It focuses on how global influences and transformations shaped European integration. 

The project pursues three main goals:

  • High-quality teaching. Each year, four different courses are offered to students of the University of Trento. They zoom in on several aspects of European history and European integration
  • Excellence in research. All team members are involved in research on the history of European integration from a global perspective. Postgraduate students have the opportunity to engage in research activities on the history of the EEC/EU as a requirement of their curricula
  • Dissemination. Conferences, workshops, and book presentations on the history of European integration from a global perspective will disseminate knowledge far beyond scientific and research circles.

Here below you can find the Syllabus of the three year of the Chair:

Syllabus Sara Lorenzini

Syllabus Umberto Tulli