Who is who

Riccardo Salomone

Riccardo Salomone
Principal Investigator

Full Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Trento, where he teaches courses on European and Transnational Labour Law and Public Labour Law. He holds a Ph.D. in Labour Law and Industrial Relations from the "Alma Mater Studiorum" University of Bologna. 
He has a long history of research on the law of the activating welfare state and he has been the principal investigator of the first project that linked social finance to labour law policies in Italy. He has served on the scientific committee of the Italian Active Labour Market Policy Reform (2014-2015) and since 2015 he is President of the Agency of Work of the autonomous Province of Trento. In this role he has introduced several activation measures to promote the reintegration of unemployed workers and of vulnerable groups. 


Chiara Cristofolini

Chiara Cristofolini

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Transnational Labour Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Trento. She teaches Employment and Labour Law at the bachelor degree course in Comparative, European and International Studies (CEILS). She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative and European Legal Studies and she has extensive research expertise in comparative industrial relations, trade union democracy, private welfare schemes and in active labour market policies. She is currently working on the role played by social finance in tackling the increase of ‘active welfare’ needs. 


Marco Sebastianelli

Marco Sebastianelli
Partner, PlusValue Advisory Ltd.

Is a senior researcher with expertise in socio-economic evaluation in the context of urban regeneration projects and impact investing. He is senior associate at PlusValue, a research and consultancy firm active in London, Brussels and Milan in the social innovation field, with a strong track record in aligning public and private interests by leveraging on a wide network of partners.
