Sara Lorenzini
is a Full Professor of Contemporary History at the School of International Studies and at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento (Italy), where she teaches courses on the History of the EU, the History of the Cold War, and Development and Security. Her research interests include Cold War History, the History of European Integration (Global Europe), Decolonization and North-South Relations, Environmental History, and Italian Foreign Policy. She has been the holder of a 2018-2021 (extended to 2022) Jean Monnet Chair on "Globalizing Europe / Europeanizing the World. The History of the EEC/EU from a Global Perspective", of a Jean Monnet Project 2018-2021 on "Democracy in the Construction of Europe", and of a 2014-2017 Jean Monnet Module: "Going Global: The History of EC/EU external relations 1947-2004." The Jean Monnet activity has produced two edited volumes: S. Lorenzini and U. Tulli (eds), A Democratic Community? The Place of Democracy in the History of European Integration, to appear in 2023 with Berghahn Books and S. Lorenzini, U. Tulli, I. Zamburlini (eds), The Human Rights Breakthrough of the 1970s. The European Community and International Relations, London: Bloomsbury, 2021. She is the Principal Investigator of the PRIN research project “Inventing the Global Environment: Science, Politics, Advocacy and the Environment-Development Nexus in the Cold War and Beyond”. Her latest book is Global Development: A Cold War History (Princeton University Press, series "America in the World", 2019). She is currently a Visiting Senior Fellow at the LSE-International History Department, where she is working on a project on female leadership and the birth of the concept of sustainable development (Working title: Ahead of the Game: Women Leaders and Environmental Protection).

Umberto Tulli will provide essential support to the Module in terms of expertise and research and dissemination experience.
Umberto Tulli is an Associate Professor at the University of Trento, where he teaches Contemporary History in the Department of Humanities and School of International Studies. He previously acted as Adjunct Professor of European Integration history within Professor Sara Lorenzini’s JM Module "Going Global" and as an Adjunct Professor of U.S. Diplomatic History. His research interests lie in the history of human rights and European integration, with a focus on the evolution of the European Parliament, the political campaign for direct elections, and the role of the European Parliament in the development of the EEC/EU external relations. His most recent publications include the book A Precarious Equilibrium. Human Rights and Détente in Jimmy Carter’s Soviet Policy, (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2020) and Un Parlamento per l’Europa (Firenze, 2017). He held visiting positions and fellowships at the Davies Center for Russian and Eurasian Affairs at Harvard University, the Olympic Studies Center of the International Olympic Committee; the Mario Einaudi Center for European Studies at Cornell University, the European Union Centre of Excellence/European centre studies of the University of Pittsburgh.

Dieter Schlenker – HAEU Director
Dieter Schlenker is the Co-director of the Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre, and Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union since January 2013. He holds an Archivist Diploma from the Archival School of the Vatican Secret Archive and a PhD in Modern History from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He is associated to the EGPP through the project ‘European Parliament Political Groups and European Integration’.

Mary Carr – HAEU Archivist
Mary Carr is an Archivist at the Historical Archives of the European Union since 1995. Previous to that she held various positions as Archivist in Ireland such as the Irish Labour History Museum and Archives, Trinity College Dublin with the manuscripts collections, the Irish Union of Students and at the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Mary Carr holds a Masters in the History of European Integration and a Masters in Archival Sciences.

Laura Chiara Cecchi will be the Module Tutor. She will help the Module leader implement the various phases of the Module. She will act as a student-faculty liaison and arrange the logistical aspects of the archive visit, open lectures, and graduate conference.
She graduated in 2020 in International Relations, in the “International Affairs” curriculum, with a thesis in EU and Africa: Cooperation and Security, at the University of Bologna. Interested in contemporary historical research in the fields of European integration process and its interactions with the African continent, she is currently a 2nd-year Ph. D. Candidate in International Studies at the University of Trento, where she collaborates with Professor Lorenzini as the academic tutor of the course in Contemporary History. Professor Lorenzini also acts as the supervisor of her PhD thesis, which explores the evolution of Euro-African relations in the 1970s and 1980s.