General overview

GOGLOB covers the history of European Integration with a focus on the external relations of the EEC/EU, offering an up to date introduction to historiography and current problems. The course introduces new teaching methodologies based on small group tutorials and archival research.

The module is divided into six sections. In the first one, students are introduced to the main ideas, institutions, and policies of European integration, with a focus on the role of the EEC/EU in international affairs. Sections two to four touch on specific areas: transatlantic relations, relations to the ACP and Mediterranean countries, relations to Eastern Europe. Section five is based on archival research at the the Historical Archives of the European Union in Florence: here, students work on primary sources, discuss their findings in guided seminars and write a final paper using archive materials. In section six, students discuss their papers in a final workshop open to the local community. They also construct a website/virtual exhibition, in order to disseminate their findings outside the academia.

The course is offered to MA students in History at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento, but it is open to registration for students of the MA in Foreign Languages and to students of the MA in European and International Studies at the School of International Studies.

GOGLOB Module was suspended for the a.y. 2016/2017 due to Professor Sara Lorenzini's sabbatical year and extended until 28/02/2018.