General overview

Extended until 31.08.2022

The Chair’s activities will concentrate on researching, teaching, debating, and promoting a public awareness of the foreign policy of the European Union (EU) towards the Western Balkans.
In particular, the Chair’s activities will focus on ‘resilience’ which constituted the main conceptual innovation introduced by the 2016 landmark document Global Strategy, Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe.


    • enhancing the European dimension at the University level by organizing courses, lectures and a conference addressed to both students and professors
    • giving undergraduate students a better knowledge of European foreign policy issues and developing their intellectual and technical skills, thus increasing their future employability as professionals and researchers. This goal will be achieved through a teaching method based on dialogue and discussion, as well as through the organization of a 24-hour seminar and of internship opportunities in collaboration with the Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso / Transeuropa (OBCT), an established media and research institution based in Trento
    • giving students the opportunity to carry out research on EU foreign policy issues, with particular emphasis on the Western Balkans, supporting them in their first hand exploration and analysis of EU foreign policy activities. 

      All these goals will be achieved thanks to teaching and research activities, seminars series, academic conferences and students training. See section Activities for more details.