EUSEE, organised in collaboration with Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC), will help students acquire in-depth, first-hand knowledge about the South-east European region and its Europeanization process through a variety of educational tools and activities.
Every year, EUSEE will offer the following teaching activities:
- UNIVERSITY COURSE “Political Development in South-East Europe” held by prof. Roberto Belloni. In the framework of this course, undergraduate students will be introduced to South-east Europe and its relationship with Europe and the EU.
- INTENSIVE COURSE “L'Unione europea e le sue periferie” held by Prof. Roberto Belloni and Dr. Luisa Chiodi with contributions by other researchers affiliated to OBC. This intensive course will develop and deepen some of the issues tackled in the abovementioned course. All lectures will be held in English.
- A PUBLIC LECTURE held by a visiting fellow from foreign academic institutions, whose research interests are related to the Europeanization processes in Eastern and South-eastern Europe, the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies.
On an annual basis, the Module will propose other activities:
- Interactive Workshop “Let's Chat on European Affairs” organised by the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso in the shape of a live chat involving university students and EU politicians, officers or experts, to discuss European decision-making process and procedures.
- Editors’ Europe Cafe’, a public roundtable with media professionals, to talk about issues related to the Module.
- Traineeship at the OBC for students who attended the activities of the Jean Monnet Module.
In addition, an “Online educational kit on EU Enlargement and Eastern partnership” will be released every year by the OBC. The kit aims at transforming complex information delivered within the intensive course into digestible, design-rich and impactful digital contents, easy to re-use, share and circulate. See the Useful Links section to see the three educational kits.