Jens Woelk
Faculty of Law and School of International Studies
Full Professor in Comparative Constitutional Law, teaches EU Law
as well and has a consolidated expertise in the Western Balkans. He
has done extensive research on the constitutional transformation
processes and worked, in various capacities as an expert for the EU
and the Council of Europe in the area. In 2018 and 2019, he served
as resident Senior International Expert on EU Integration Matters in
the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, in Sarajevo.

Alessandra Russo
Department of Sociology and Social Science and School of International Studies
Associate Professor, political scientist whose research and teaching activities are positioned in the field of International Relations, Security Studies, Comparative Regionalism with a special focus on Eastern Europe, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia. She is the coeditor of the Open Access academic journal Inter-disciplinary Political Studies, the co-chair of the Standing Group on Russia and the PostSoviet Space of the Italian Political Science Association and research associate of the Observatory on Central Asian and the Caspian. In 2022 she was invited to join the Italian Network of Female Experts.