
The Module's activities include:

1. Teaching activities: 
84 hours of teaching activities each year, distributed across undergraduate and graduate courses, in the fields of study of International Relations and European Studies, European Union Law, Security Studies, Human Rights. Interdisciplinary classes will be especially designed to expose the students to multi-faceted and multi-level approaches to the study of EU’s foreign policy issues and external governance. Guest lectures will be organised for the university community.

2. Workshops and vocational training for students on: 
1. Research design and methods in European Studies; 
2. Access of primary documents and sources of the EU; 
3. Policy writing;
4. Dissemination and communication strategies and campaigns; 
5. Advocacy and lobbying activities (in collaboration with Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa, a Trento-based think tank and media center).

3. Students' career development: active participation and internships.

4. Debating EU enlargement outside university: Co-organisation of a festival on Eastern Europe and the Balkans (with a series of UNITN's partners) bringing together citizens, journalists, activists, experts from research institutes and universities, open to the general public. 

The future is Europe

The future is Europe

Picture Jens Woelk